Sunday, October 18, 2009

Swapping views on the iPhone

Recently, I've been working on an iPhone app with a couple of friends. It involves a splash/start screen (though I guess Apple discourages splash screens), a menu page to select what time of game play, and then the game screen (which is the same for all modes, but just behaves differently).

It seems to be non trivial to transition from one screen to the next in a simple way. I'm trying a few variations, UINavigationController, UIView's which swap in subviews. I don't think that UITabBarController would work for this app.

I am enjoying learning a new programming framework. But it's quite different from other programming I've done in the past.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Git, Buildbot, and "Pragmatic Version Control Using Git"

So my first patch to buildbot was accepted and merged into the trunk (or whatever git's equivalent is).
So given my lack of getting git, I acquired (thanks to O'Reilly and baypiggies relationship with them) a review copy of "Pragmatic Version Control Using Git".
I'll be posting a review on Baypiggies Website when I've finished reading it.
As usual (being a Pragmatic Programmers book) this book is quite well written (well thus far up to chapter 3), and works step by step through git and how to use it. So I'm hoping to get Git soon.

Monday, June 8, 2009

iPhone programming

I've been learning iPhone developing for a while.
I got the book "The iPhone Developer's Cookbook" a while back for free as a review copy (which I'm reviewing here ). It does say in its introduction that the book can be used to learn iPhone programming. I'd have to dissagree. That book is best for learning neat tricks and hacks to squeeze the last bit of coolness out of the SDK (and beyond).

A friend pointed me at Beginning iPhone Development: Exploring the iPhone SDK as a better book to get started with, and, just 2 chapters and change into the book, it's clearly the superior book to learn iPhone programming. Things which had be befuzzled in the other book are very clearly explained in this book. Highly recommended.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

My First Buildbot GIT checkin to

After about 1/2 day of hacking and reading various docs on the web I got the hang of pulling updates from the main branch for buildbot. Using:
git remote add upstream git://

I'm hoping that's correct, and it did seem to pull in changes.
I added a new argument to the CVS buildstep checkout_options, so I can add -N to the generated cvs command line.

Since one client's CVS configuration has an alias specified which has multiple directories, and buildbot's generated command line uses -d, -N is required to get the alias to work properly.
I'm hoping the pull request is accepted and then I can have that client switch to the mainline of buildbot, rather than having to patch whenever they install.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Experimenting with git and to try and work on some patches to buildbot, but the directions, although explicit, are either not working with the current version of git, not working at all, or I'm totally not grok'ing what I'm supposed to do to update my git branch from the master branch. :(
An unexpectedly lovely day in San Francisco. The weather man had predicted rain all week, and the as late as yesterday, rain for the whole weekend. Although we could probably use the rain, I'm happy that the predictions were flawed.